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A perennial "hot topic" in the
electric utility business seems to be repeal of
the Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA).
Many experts have weighed in on one side or the
other, and I do not feel that I can add to that
I do, however, feel uniquely
qualified to discuss the effect that a repeal of
PUHCA might have on electric cooperative
acquisitions. In so doing, I will not discuss the
position of the National Rural Electric
Cooperative Association; those views are set forth
on their web site at http://www.nreca.org/nreca/news/merger_position.html.
PUHCA, as intended, has
functioned to restrain consolidation of
investor-owned electric utilities, largely
limiting them to regional combines. The inevitable
result of PUHCA repeal will be increased
consolidation of investor-owned utilities
(IOUs)--perhaps even beyond analyst Ed Tirello's
famous prognostication of 50 ultimate survivors.
Those utilities will eventually enjoy great
efficiencies as a result of consolidation and
streamlining of the 240 or so IOUs that exist
today. This process will take at least five to ten
years in my opinion, and might take longer
In the interim, based on my
experience with previous clients, I believe that
IOUs will concentrate on merging amongst
themselves in ways that had previously been
prohibited. This focus will distract them from
seriously considering cooperative acquisitions,
and even IOUs that are not distracted will be
reluctant to propose cooperative acquisitions, as
they will fear that the coops' opposition to such
actions might affect their own merger
After the sector has
consolidated, IOUs might again be receptive to
electric cooperative acquisitions. At that point,
however, the consolidated IOUs would have an
average customer density of roughly 1.8 million
each (assuming 50 consolidated IOUs), and even
acquisition of the largest coops would have a
relatively modest effect on an individual IOU's
bottom line. (The largest coops serve around
150,000 customer/owners, and there are only a few
of that size; the average is approximately 40,000
customer/owners per coop.) I suspect that most
will look to more spectacular acquisitions, and,
if enough time has passed to dim memories of the
current meltdown, international combinations are
much more likely than cooperative
So, at least as far as
acquisitions by IOUs are concerned, the effect of
PUHCA repeal on coops would probably be positive,
in effect reducing acquisition pressure from IOUs.
But there's no free lunch: PUHCA repeal would have
other effects on the coops.
First, the consolidated utilities
will become more efficient, and those savings will
be shared with customers. This will increase
so-called "competitive pressure" on the
cooperatives, as typical rate differentials will
become more pronounced. Such pressure will, in
turn, encourage the cooperatives to merge amongst
themselves into larger, more efficient entities.
Of course, consolidation will produce a tremendous
amount of consternation amongst the cooperatives,
but the end result will benefit coop
Second, PUHCA repeal may
encourage financial buyers to give greater
consideration to coop acquisitions. PUHCA
constraints have discouraged financial buyers from
acquiring properties that would otherwise interest
them, and its repeal will remove those
Attracted to the relatively safe
and predictable returns that the regulated wires
business, however dull, offers, I suspect that
they will show increased interest in coop
acquisitions, and I would not be surprised to see
the advent of new private equity funds devoted to
electric cooperative acquisitions (as far as I am
aware, there is currently only one fund devoted
primarily to acquisitions in the wires business,
and that fund has made only one major
acquisition--perhaps due, in part, to PUHCA
limitations). Thus, coops could face new
challenges from nontraditional acquirors,
replacing and perhaps exceeding those of IOUs.
While I can't predict when this might happen, I do
feel comfortable predicting that it
Finally, these newly energized
financial buyers, having fewer inhibitions than
IOUs, will surely be more aggressive acquirors.
Most IOU acquirors, facing isolated (but noisy)
opposition, frequently withdraw their offers prior
to them even being considered by coop
customer/owners; financial buyers will probably
prove to be significantly more tenacious. And
tenacity is just about the only essential element
of a successful "win-win" electric cooperative
The coops have often described
acquisition offers as competition for ownership.
PUHCA repeal will have a great effect on the
identity of those acquirors and the timing of
acquisitions. Oddly enough, PUHCA repeal may serve
to insulate coops from acquisitions, at least in
the short run. Thereafter, though, I believe that
pressure will both increase and become more
diverse as newer, more aggressive players enter
the acquisition market.